
Andrea Ramalho & Ralf Kiefner
before and after


  1. 1973 - RalfKiefner - erste Tauchgänge

    Ralf´s first dives

    During my first holidays on Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) a diving operator had just started and I was the first student.

  2. Fisches -4- 007

    Ralf´s first underwater photos

    The first under water photos were  made with a rented Nikonos III during a night dive on the Maldives.

  3. 1989 - UWF - erste Publikation

    The first publication in the diving magazine UWF

    After several requests, I finally sent UWF photos for an article about the Galapagos Islands. I really did not expect that they would publish my photos.

  4. 1993 - Andrea Ramalho - erste Tauchgänge

    Andrea´s first dives

    Those first dives were in the cold and usually murky waters off Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

  5. 'Red Crabs' - the first documentary for the German TV channel VOX is released

    1996 - Red Crabs - Ralf KiefnerFinally, after many trips to Christmas Island, my first documentary was completed. Red Crabs became one of the most successful documentaries on VOX Tierzeit (Germany).

    Andrea and Ralf meet on Fernando de Noronha (Brazil)

    1996 - Andrea Ramalho - zooooomAndrea was my dive guide on a trip to write about this dive destination. The first dives turned into numerous adventures together.

    The first expedition of Andrea and Ralf

    1996 - Andrea Ramalho- erste gemeinsame ExpeditionOur first expedition together led us to Patagonia (Argentina) to swim with Southern Right Whales.

  6. Whales to watch

    'Whales to watch' - documentary for VOX (German TV)

    Our second documentary about whales, dolphins and sunfish is shown on VOX Tierzeit.

  7. Book "Whales and Dolphins worldwide" - Film Sardinerun Awards
    Book publication

    The book 'Whales and Dolphins - world guide' is published in five languages

    This book was once considered “the bible” of cetaceans for many readers (Ocean Enterprises, Australia).


    'Sardinerun - the big feast' - documentary for VOX (German TV)

    Our third documentary about the Sardinerun is released on VOX Tierzeit.

  8. Beyond Fear - Ralf Kiefner

    'Beyond Fear' - cinema première

    This film was the first one-hour documentary about interacting with White Sharks without a cage and has been aired by National Geographic worldwide. Beyond Fear aimed to promote shark conservation. We believe that people are more willing to protect creatures that have a positive image. To change the bad reputation of sharks, we decided to snorkel with Great White Sharks without a cage and to document breathtaking interactions with these magnificent creatures.

  9. Striped Hunters - Tigersharks

    'Striped Hunters' is released

    Just one year later our next documentary about interactions with Tiger Sharks without a cage was released.

  10. End of a Myth - Ralf Kiefner

    'End of a Myth' is released

    It took us a few shark seasons to finish this documentary that also promotes shark conservation, showing different people interacting passionately with different species of sharks.

  11. THE FEAST - Ralf Kiefner

    'The Feast' is released

    We spent several Sardine Run seasons filming along the eastern coast of South Africa and were blessed to experience incredible encounters with sharks, whales, dolphins, seals and sea birds that wanted to have their share from the largest swimming “Fast Food Restaurant”.

  12. 2008 - Uli Radermacher - Boot
    Film competition

    International Underwater-Film Competition 'Seestern' (BDFA)

    We were members of the jury between 2005 and 2017.

  13. Lectures

    Presentations for Sharkproject in Germany, Austria and Switzerland

    From Hamburg to Vienna to Bern: during twelve days in nine cities we shared our passion for sharks with the audience on our tour. In Vienna, my dive idol, Hans Hass and his wife Lotte Hass were among the audience.

  14. 2010 - Vortrag Sharkproject - Ralf Kiefner

    Presentation for Sharkproject Switzerland

    The Big Feast

  15. Giants of the deep - Salmon Forest

    'Giants of the Deep' and 'Salmon Forest' - double cinema premiere

    Getting caught between Alaska and Tonga for several years, to document the behaviour of Humpback Whales in their feeding and reproduction grounds, we had the chance to learn about the salmon in Alaska. This led us to decide filming the life cycle of salmon in that area. Both documentaries make it possible for the public to admire the beauty of Nature’s Connections.

    TV show

    ZDF Volle Kanne (German TV)

    Guest in the studio as shark expert.

    2012 - ZDF - Volle Kanne - Ralf Kiefner


    BOOT in Düsseldorf (Germany)

    Presentations on the stage of the BOOT fence between 2012 and 2016.

    2012-2016 BOOT - Ralf Kiefner

  16. 2013 - Kinder TV 1-2 oder3 - WDR Sportsendung
    TV show

    ZDF Kindersendung (German TV)

    Guest in the studio as shark expert for kids TV 1-2 oder 3.

    TV show

    TV Sport Program WDR (German TV)

    Guest in the program about whales and dolphins.

  17. Whaleguide App - Produktfoto

    'WHALEGUIDE App' - available for smart phones and tablets (iOS and Android)

    We want to share our fascination for these incredible creatures with the self educating and interactive Whaleguide app and to raise awareness of cetacean conservation.

    Available for smart phones (iOS, Android) and Tablets (iOS, Android).

    Radio show

    Radio Interview

    Interview about Whaleguide App at Radio Berg (Germany).

  18. 2015-UniKoeln-RalfKiefner-1024xX

    Presentation at the University of Cologne

    Presentation on Communication and Cooperation between Humpback Whales.

  19. 2016-OHG-RalfKiefner-1024xX

    Presentation at Otto-Hahn high school

    Presentation on working with whales, dolphins and sharks by Natural Sciences live at OHG.

  20. 2018 - Realschule - Ralf Kiefner

    Presentation at Marion Dönhoff Realschule

    Presentation on working with whales, dolphins and sharks.

  21. 2019-2Bücher
    Book publication

    The book 'Deinen ersten Wal - vergisst Du' nie is published in two languages

    The book “Deinen ersten Wal – vergisst Du nie” is published in two languages.

    The stories in this book come straight from my heart. After so many spectacular encounters with whales and dolphins I decided to share our experiences with these magnificent creatures that we admire so much.

    Book publication

    The book for kids 'Wale und Delfine - eine spannende Expedition ins Reich der sanften Riesen' is published in German

    The book for kids “Wale und Delfine – eine spannende Expedition ins Reich der sanften Riesen” is published in German. It has always been my dream to awaken the Kids interest for these magnificent creatures.

    TV show

    Guest by Markus Lanz and Sat1 Frühstücksfernsehen (German TV)

    Talking about my work and presenting the book “Deinen ersten Wal – vergisst Du nie”

    2019-3 - Markus Lanz - Ralf Kiefner
    2019-4-Sat.1 Frühstücksfernsehen - Ralf Kiefner
  22. Documentaries

    'Beyond Fear' and 'End of a Myth' - documentaries reloaded

    Both documentaries have been re-edited and can be viewed as pay per view.

    'Beyond Fear' - Trailer and Pay-per-view

    You are currently viewing a placeholder content from Vimeo. To access the actual content, click the button below. Please note that doing so will share data with third-party providers.

    More Information
    'End of a Myth' - Trailer and Pay-per-view

    You are currently viewing a placeholder content from Vimeo. To access the actual content, click the button below. Please note that doing so will share data with third-party providers.

    More Information
  23. Documentaries

    'Giants of the Deep' and 'Salmon Forest' - documentaries reloaded

    Our documentary about the life of Humpback Whales, awarded on international Film Festivals, have been re-edited and can be viewed as pay per view in three languages:

    Giants of the Deep (English version): https://vimeo.com/498362735

    Giganten der Tiefe (German version): https://vimeo.com/498382792

    Géants des Profondeurs (French version): https://vimeo.com/498397954

    'Giants of the Deep' - Trailer and Pay-per-view

    You are currently viewing a placeholder content from Vimeo. To access the actual content, click the button below. Please note that doing so will share data with third-party providers.

    More Information

    Our documentary about the life of salmons and the ecosystem of southeast Alaska, which is one of the most extraordinary natural wildernesses and one of the most productive regions on our planet is also online:

    Salmon Forest (English version): https://vimeo.com/507068796

    Lachswald (German version): https://vimeo.com/503059205

    La Forêt de Saumons (French version): https://vimeo.com/507077926

    'Giants of the Deep' - Trailer and Pay-per-view

    You are currently viewing a placeholder content from Vimeo. To access the actual content, click the button below. Please note that doing so will share data with third-party providers.

    More Information
  24. Radio-Interview Bayern1 "Die Blaue Couch"

    Radio-Interview at Bayern1 ``Die Blaue Couch``

    This interview was about conservation of sharks and the book ‘Haie haben keine Hände’. Podcast.

  25. Buch Wale und Delfine - Ralf Kiefner

    2023 - the book Wale und Delfine is published (currently only in German)

    This nature guide describes 93 whale and dolphin species detailed, based on science and easy to understand. Information about historical, cultural and mythological content and the threat of the species complete this comprehensive nature guide.

    ISBN: 978-3-440-16339-9


Ocean-Pix Productions 1989 – 2023

Ralf Kiefner and Andrea Ramalho have been working successfully as underwater film makers and photographers, since 1989. They are particularly committed to sharks, whales and dolphins conservation. Ralf and Andrea have received several awards worldwide for their work and their commitment.


creative team

Ralf Kiefner
Ralf Kiefner

Producer, Camera, Film and Photo

T he german photographer Ralf Kiefner is diving since 1973 and is working successfully as author, wildlife and underwater photographer and as underwater cameraman and video producer since 1989. During the years he turned his hobby not only into his business, but also into his passion. So it´s no wonder that his professional work is published worldwide in wellknown magazines such as Stern, Geo, Hör Zu, P.M. Magazine, Paris Match, Le Figaro, Airone, BBC Wildlife, FHM, Sunday Telegraph, Daily Express, Sunday People, Hello, Daily Mail, Focus und National Enquirer.

His book Whales and Dolphins worldwide is published already in 5 different languages. Researches and scientists equally describe the book as beeing “standard work”.

Also the list of TV channels that Ralf Kiefner worked for and that have used his footage in their productions, sounds like the “who is who” of the TV business. Besides the big german TV channels such as ARD, ZDF, RTL, VOX or PRO 7, he also worked for international highly acclaimed TV channels such as National Geographic, Discovery Channel and BBC.

Ralf´s first documentary about freediving with Great White Sharks (Beyond Fear) is one of the most successful shark documentaries. It was aired on National Geographic and Discovery Channel world wide. His second documentary about Tiger Sharks (Striped Hunters) is also filled with breathtaking footage, which is only surpassed by his last shark documentary (End of a Myth).

Also his newest documentary The Feast follows the of the previous successful films with it´s spectacular footage. “With our shark documentaries we want to make it very clear and obvious for everyone that sharks are no monsters. Through our very close encounters we want to change the negative image of sharks. because we believe that human beings are only willing to protect animals that they believe to know and that have a positiv image.

It is important to understand that our very close interactions with the sharks were only possible, because the sharks allowed us these interactions. No one can force a big shark to interact with him, if the shark does not want to interact!

Normally I do not like to touch wild animals. but in our shark documentaries (Beyond Fear, Striped Hunters and End of a Myth) these contacts are only made to really wake the people up and to “shake” them. they should think about, wether their knowledge about sharks can be kept upright. because anilmals that allow such close encounters and contacts, can definitively not be held for “monsters or killers” anymore. Off course we also inform people often in our documentaries that sharks are no “pets or toys”. they are just normal predators. that are not always harmless. quote from the film: “.you gotta be aware that these are wild animals . and that they won’t necessarily bite, but they can.”.
Sharks are the apex predators of the oceans. and they have teeth. and off course they know how to use them. we don´t want to make sharks to pets. but we want to change their image and help to protect them with our spectacular interactions.

People currently kill around 150.000.000 sharks every year through finning, longlininig and net fishing. Many scientist believe that within 10 years most shark species will be extinct, with terrible consequences for our oceans and for our lives! This is why it is so important to protect sharks. Now!”

For his involvement to make people aware of shark conservation, Ralf Kiefner has been awarded with the “Shark Protector Award” in St. Petersburg on 30.4.2008 during the International Maritim Film Festival “The Sea Calls”.

“We were one of the first to make documentaries and photos about freediving (diving without a cage) with White Sharks for their conservation. In the year 1998 we already started with the production of Beyond Fear. At that time we could not imagine that our documentaries would start a movement that corrects the undeserved bad reputation of sharks. I´m very proud that we were deeply involved to start this movement with our documentaries and photos and that we were amongst those who initiated this developement.”

Bildergalerie Ralf

Andrea Ramalho
Andrea Ramalho

Director, Producer, Camera, Film

A ndrea Ramalho was born in Rio de Janeiro. Although she lives in Germany since 2003, she still cannot hide her brazilian temperament. The biologist Andrea Ramalho is diving since 1993 and works as underwater camera woman together with Ralf Kiefner.

Her work has been aired world wide on National Geographic, Discovery Channel, BBC as well as on ARD, ZDF, RTL, VOX and PRO 7 (Germany). As underwater camera woman, she was involved in the production of Whales to Watch, The Big Feast, (both productions for VOX) as well as in the highly commended shark documentaries Beyond Fear, Striped Hunters and End of a Myth. During the production of these documentaries with Great White Sharks and Tiger Sharks without a protective cage.

Also her newest documentary The Feast follows the track of the previous successful films with it´s spectacular footage.

“I want to show people that it is indeed possible to be in the water together with sharks and that one can really enjoy these moments. I think that there are two kinds of people, those that immediately run away when they hear the word shark and those that ask where? and quickly get into the water! To the people that fear sharks, I want to say: Try to learn more about these creatures. Sharks play an important role in the ecosystem of the seas. Sharks keep the oceans healthy. Sharks control the population of marine animals and other fish. As apex predators they are responsible for the ecological balance of the oceans. Human beings must understand how important it is that we finally do something for the conservation of sharks. First we have to learn something about sharks, then we must understand them and then, hopefully, also admire them!”

For her involvement to make people aware of shark conservation, Andrea Ramalho has been awarded with the “Shark Protector Award” in St. Petersburg on 30.4.2008 during the International Maritim Film Festival “The Sea Calls”.

Bildergalerie Andrea

Auszeichnungen - Awards