
Whaleguide App auf Handy und Tablet
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The knowledge app when it comes to whales and dolphins!

Discover the fascinating world of whales and dolphins with this comprehensive and detailed app for your iPad or iPhone, as well as for your Android tablet or phone. Whaleguide app offers lots of information for every whale watcher or nature and wildlife lover of every age.

The information in Whaleguide app is the result of research in scientific literature making it up to date and reliable. However, the text is easy to understand for everyone, without any previous knowledge (also suitable for schools). You will quickly become an expert with this self-educating app. The app describes 68 species of whales and dolphins in an entertaining way and contains as much information as a good book, but has much more to offer. For each species you will find a quick ID and a complete description, information about behaviour, diving behaviour, diet, reproduction, possible hot spots, interesting facts, popular names, key facts, information about the taxonomy, the scientific name and distribution, including GPS based distribution.

IPad and Handy-Graphics: User Experience Designer Michael Auer

Hot Spots, Photos, Links, Videoclips and much more

In “Whale Watchers World” more than 1,800 Hot Spots (around 1,000 are land-based) in around 100 countries are highlighted. The app informs which cetacean species may be seen, where, at which time and how. You will find more than 1,600 active links to websites of whale and dolphin watching operators (as well as of cetacean research and conservation organizations plus tourism information). In addition you will find important information about the code of conduct, selecting your equipment and responsible operators, as well as photography hints. Whaleguide app contains more than 850 spectacular photos of whales and dolphins and 68 comparative size drawings. On the basis of a few details that are visible from boat (or from land) and using the GPS function, the interactive “Finder” helps you to easily distinguish between the 68 species the ones you just spotted. Alternatively, when planning your next trip, you can find out in advance which whales and dolphins you may encounter at your destination. Whaleguide app can also be used offline (except for GPS based functions).


App Description


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Additional photos and video clips can be purchased

In addition there are more than 560 extra photos and more than 80 spectacular video clips available as an upgrade (in-app buy). In the video clips you will be able to watch the fascinating behaviour of whales and dolphins and listen to their impressive voices. Whaleguide app was developed by Ralf Kiefner. His book “Whales and Dolphins, Cetacean World Guide” has been published in 5 languages and is considered a “must have” for whale watchers.


Michael L.:

Barabara Z.:
“… Whaleguide app is really great, easy to use, exciting information and the photos represent absolute world class!”

K. P.:
“… this App is the beginning of a new era for future wildlife guides.”

Wolfgang A.:
“I bought the app, absolutely recommendable!!! For just a few Euro all information about whales and dolphins compact and clearly organised for phone or tablet. I have both versions, especially the photos on the iPad are fantastic!!”

Kai M.:
“Thank you very much… Ralf Kiefner… for this really first class app about whales and dolphins!! Your book „Whales and Dolphins, guide of the world“ has been my favourite book for 14 years!!! And now there is Whaleguide App!!! Amazing!!! Thank you very much… I have learned so much about whales from you!!!!!”

Henning B.:
“… Super. I personally like the easy navigation most. Great.”

Milorad D.:
“…just phenomenal!”

Patrick W.:
“A very beautiful, exciting and informative App!
The information about the animals is extensive, scientifically well-founded and up-to-date. Even influences of current incidents to the animal kingdom, like Fukushima are described. I think that the “Finder” is very exciting: it helps to find out in advance which whales I might be able to encounter during my next holiday. But this App is not only made for divers – everybody, who is interested in animals living in the sea will enjoy it. Beautiful design, spectacular photos.”

Catalina G.:
“… I have so much fun playing with the app. I think is great, it provides very neat information and it is fitted for all ages. Great work!”

James C.:
“… What an excellent job … I absolutely like the app…”

Pepino du mar:
“This App offers everything you need to know about whales and dolphins and much more. You find a quick overview about the most important themes in “Key Facts” and you get an overwhelming amount of information in a very structured way in “Details”. Each species is presented with photos, showing the animal above and under water. Also the distribution is documented in a scrollable map of the world. It ultimately helps to ascertain the species you may encounter when you sail the oceans. This is very easy: just give a few information and the “Finder” presents in real time the species that fit with the criteria you just saw. From now on you don´t have to say: we have seen whales very close, now you can say we saw Humpback Whales, they had a body size of almost 20 meters! In the Glossary all necessary technical terms are explained in an easy to understand way. A very well done App that you don´t want to miss on your next holidays at the sea. Greatings from a passionate diver and fascinated whale watcher.”

Michael B.:
“The Whaleguide app is amazing – such a valuable resource to have.”

“A big animal swims in the sea, is it a whale or a dolphin? What can you do if you don´t have a guide book with you? This App helps fast, easy and everywhere. Once you ascertained the whale or dolphin species, you will find much more additional information. Brilliant, I am filled with enthusiasm.”

What the media say

  • “Whales to go”, CetusGeo (Dolphin Research Australia)
  • “THE app recommendation”, DIE WELT (Germany)
  • “The future for Wildlife Guides”, Silent World (Germany)
  • “The fascination of the fin”, Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (Germany)
  • “Whales to go”, WDR (German TV)
  • “New Dimension for Wildlife Guides”, Aquanaut (Switzerland)
  • “Fourth Dimension”, Unterwasser (Germany)
  • “A New Era”, Sportdiving magazine (Australia)
  • “This app is fun!”, Tauchen (Germany)
  • “Extra dimension”, Duiken (Netherlands)
  • “Giant App”, Best of Diving (Germany)
  • “A world of cetaceans in the palm of your hands”, Dive News Network
  • “New app aims to help whales and the people who watch them”, Canadian Geographic (Canada)
  • “App to experience and to identify”, (Silent World (Germany)
  • A new dimension for whale and dolphin guides”, African Diver (South Africa)
  • Surely the most comprehensive and up to date app of its kind”, Silent World (Germany)
  • “Whales on a wipe”, Sporttaucher (Germany)
  • “Comprehensive and detailed whales and dolphins guide”, Atlantis (Germany)
  • “The cetacean-spotter´s dream resource”, Sailing Today (England)
  • “A new tool to identify cetaceans while out in the field”, Action Asia (Asia)
  • “Information-packed, multimedia-enriched app”, Scuba Diver (Australasia)
  • “An informative, effective and useful app for all whale enthusiasts”, Taucher Net
  • “Bringing the world of cetaceans to the palm of everyone´s hand”, Ocean Magazine (Australia)
  • “A New Era”, Invertum IV (Russia)
  • “Whales and dolphins through comprehensive and entertaining approach”, Rawasheen Jeddah – Magazine (Saudi Arabia)

What the Experts say

Inday Ford (Centre for Whale Research, Western Australia):
„Ich habe Whaleguide App auf meinem iPad und sehe oft darin nach. Ich finde die App sehr informativ und nutzerfreundlich. Ich habe die App immer dabei und habe sie genutzt, um einigen Leuten bei der Identifikation von Cetaceen Fotos zu helfen …“.

Keith Rittmaster (National Science Curator, NC Maritime Museum, USA):
„… ich bin überzeugt, dass diese App zur Forschung und Bildung beiträgt …“

Marina Costa (Meeresbiologin, St. Andrews University, Schottland):
„Wow!!! Ich bin wirklich beeindruckt. Die beste App über Cetaceen, die ich je gesehen habe. Ein großes Kompliment für die Idee und den enormen Aufwand. Ich finde diese App wirklich unglaublich toll. Ich bin der Meinung, dass diese App eine großartige und unglaublich hilfreiche Arbeit ist, um diese Tiere zu schützen. Es werden korrekte, umfassende und amüsante Informationen gegeben.“

Carlos A. Alvarez Zarikian (JOIDES Resolution), (Staff Scientist / Expedition Project Manager International Ocean Discovery Program – U.S. Implementing Organization Associate Research Scientist -Department of Oceanography Texas A&M University):
„… ich habe es zu Hause genutzt, um meiner 5 ½ Jahre alte Tochter etwas über Wale beizubringen! Sie genießt es! “